Volunteer with KMF
Would you like to get more involved with KMF by offering your time, talents, or services? Do you need community service hours for school or work?
We're looking for volunteers!
Check out our volunteer opportunities below. Scroll to the form at the bottom of this page if you'd like to join our Listserv to hear about more volunteer opportunities in the future.
Volunteer Opportunities
NFK24 Fundraising Committee
Put your name on the list below and we'll send you more information!
Host your own fundraiser
or friend-raiser
Learn how at the links below!
Are you interested in getting more involved with the Fourth Annual Night For Knox event?
Join our NFK24 fundraising committee! KMF's Advancement team is seeking a group of volunteers to help with all things Night For Knox 2024. NFK24 will be our largest event to date. Fundraising committee members will have the chance to get more involved with Night For Knox than ever before. For details, please sign up to learn more!
Eager to share the incredible impact KMF is having in the brain cancer research space with your network? Are you a runner? A biker? Do you produce a YouTube channel? Do you love to cook?Host your own fundraiser or friend-raiser for KMF! We LOVE building community and meeting new friends. Volunteer to host a dinner, a sporting event, a cocktail hour, or a concert. Run a 5k, pledge birthday donations, host a bake sale or Youtube event to benefit our mission. Invite your friends, family, and coworkers to get involved with our mission! Contact us or learn more at the links provided.